Winner of the Verizon Droid RAZR Phone Announced!

Ok, so after I deleted the 145 SPAM comments from the same IP address (really, people? You didn’t think I’d catch that?), it was down to 92 comments to choose from. In order to do it as fairly as possible, I used a random number generator to choose the winner.

These are the results:

Comment #6 was my “A. Mel”!! Please check your email (and SPAM folder just in case) as I need your address to give to the Verizon people to send your new DROID RAZR and $50 Verizon gift card!

I’m so excited that I was able to be a part of this program and Verizon was so amazing to work with. I am sad that the program is coming to an end but I got a Xyboard out of the deal, some lucky winner just got a new free smart phone, and am now pretty sure that I’m switching to Verizon after my contract is up with AT&T, they’ve been that great (and I swear they didn’t pay me to say that).

Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Wireless Midwest Savvy Gourmets program and have been provided with a wireless device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product

SOURCE: Life As A Plate – Read entire story here.

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