When Oreo Cookies Are A Health Food

Is it possible that how we eat is more important than what we eat? Maybe, just maybe, pleasure is immensely important in deciding whether a food is healthy or not.

Consider the Oreo cookie.

Sawyer eats with joy

Sawyer eats Oreo cookies daily but enjoys every moment of the eating process. While eating, Sawyer is in the moment and appreciates the art that went into creating such a delectable food. He eats them alone or with people without feeling any guilt. The pleasure is immense and he honestly doesn’t care what others think about his desire for Oreos. Sometimes he’ll eat only one. Sometimes he’ll eat 10. No matter, because Oreos provide a keen sense of joy for Sawyer.

Sawyer believes that what he eats is healthy. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Subway sub or a grass-fed steak or an Oreo cookie. He has no major health issues and is a glowing picture of health.

Emmett eats with guilt

Emmett eats Oreo cookies almost daily but feels guilty before, during and after eating them. While eating, he thinks about all the toxins in the Oreo. He only eats them alone because he is afraid of what others will think of him considering he could lose a few pounds off of what he refers to as his ‘wheat belly’. Sometimes he will eat only 1 while sometimes he’ll eat 10. No matter because every bite lowers his self-esteem.

Emmett struggles with what is healthy and what is not. He reads dozens of blogs and is confused because everything is so contradicting. One study shows that saturated fat is healthy while the next one says it will give you heart disease. He believes that the Oreos will kill him but he can’t stop eating them.

Are Oreo cookies a health food?

For Sawyer, it’s possible that eating Oreos in the fashion that he eats them has a positive influence on his health. For Emmett, it’s likely that eating Oreos in the fashion that he eats them has a negative influence on his health.

Context matters. If you believe that Oreo cookies are not healthy then you are probably right. If you believe that Oreo cookies are healthy then, well, you may be right. I’d bet that Michael Phelps’ body would love the calories after a training session.

Your opinion matters. Please leave a comment below with your thoughts!

SOURCE: Primal Toad – Read entire story here.

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