Weekly Meal Plan – Week 3 of Whole 30/21 DSD

As I write this, we’ve made it through two full weeks of the Whole 30/21 DSD. I finally turned a corner this week and felt pretty great most days. My moods are more even (read: there were less episodes of me telling Mike I hated his ass face), I’m sleeping great, and don’t get that late afternoon face-meets-wall thing around 2 pm like I used to. I have tons of energy and have been feeling great through my WODs, even the heavy breathers which I usually suck at.

This has been one of my favorite breakfasts  this week  as we were trying to polish off a smoked pork butt:

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

It was spinach, onions, and a little sweet potato sauteed with the pork. For Mike, I threw in some mushrooms too (the only food I still can’t eat) and put it in an omelet that he said kept him full till dinner!!

I have to say that even though I WOD almost daily, my appetite has been pretty low this week. I won’t even realize I hadn’t eaten much all day until I hit the OMG FEED ME NOW OR I WILL EAT YOUR YOUNG point. I’ve been trying to keep ahead of this but when you don’t have an appetite, it’s a little difficult.

I have to confess I did have a couple vodka and club sodas last night. I haven’t strayed off the food plan at all and it was only a couple of distilled liquor drinks (and normally I can DRAAANK) but this morning, I felt like this

My head hates me, my stomach hates me and all I want is pancakes (my go-to hangover food). I’m holding strong though and drinking lots of fresh brewed unsweetened tea and eating clean food to undo my assery.

Last night Mike and I made our meal plan and this morning we finished up the shopping for the week. Thankfully, we didn’t need much in the way of meat because I may or may not have cleared Target out of all of their Meyer’s natural meat.

20121207_110430, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

So, we went to Sam’s and picked up our weekly boatload of veggies and now we’re ready for a full week of eating! My CrossFit box is hosting a large competition this coming weekend The Christmas Classic (you can compete if you’re somewhat local – cash prizes and still time to register!!).  Since I will be there running scoring and making sure things run smoothly with the volunteers, I will be gone most of the day Friday and all day Saturday. I factored this into the meal plan, knowing I’d have to pack almost all my meals and Mike would be on his own.

Today, we slow-roasted a pork butt in the oven for 5 hours and the smell is making me crazy.

Also, I figure I don’t need to write that our pre-WOD snack each day since it’s always the same: either a green apple or banana and some protein like almond butter, raw nuts, etc.


B: Prosciutto egg cups (I will be using spinach, onions, and mushrooms in ours and no cheese), 1/2 sweet potato
L: leftover pork butt, raw veggies
D: Farmer’s market meatloaf (skipping the BBQ sauce and pork rinds), garlic mashed parsnips (using almond milk instead of cream), roasted green beans


B: prosciutto egg cups, 1/2 sweet potato
L: leftover meatloaf and veggies
D: almond-crusted baked fish, oven-braised Brussels sprouts.


B: Garden omelet – lots of spinach, onions, celery, sausage
L: tuna salad on Romaine lettuce boats with tomatoes and pickes, raw veggies
D: bacon and caramelized onion stuffed chicken breasts, roasted broccoli and carrots, sweet potato


B: Hard-boiled (HB) eggs, bacon
L: leftover chicken,  spinach salad
D: Beef “Schtoup” – eliminating the potatoes


B: scrambled eggs, bacon, 1/2 sweet potato
L: egg salad on Romaine lettuce boats, raw veggies
D: leftover schtoup


At the competition. There will be fruit and water available to us, as well as a “Paleo plate” lunch provided for the volunteers. Also packing a lunch box of: almond butter, raw nuts,  unsweetened coconut flakes, beef jerky,  and coconut water (because I KNOW I’m going to be too busy to make sure I drink enough and this will help me stay hydrated).


Brunch: Detox-friendly pumpkin apple latkes (recipe coming tomorrow!)
Dinner: Chuck roast, roasted veggies.

What’s on your plate for this week?

SOURCE: Life As A Plate – Read entire story here.

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