Weekly Meal Plan 4 – 21DSD and Whole30 Compliant

Okay, so I’m a little behind on, well.. everything.

Ever have one of those weeks where everything kind of just happened at once? I had two major deadlines last week – one for my publishing career and one for my writing gig – and then my gym (which I also work for) was hosting a major two-day competition which literally kept me out of the house and going nonstop for two full days.

I ended that week out with friends,  celebrating with these pretty ladies (and sundry other CFers) that I didn’t blow a gasket that weekend:

I may or may not have also had an Aunt Jemima. Yes, that’s bacon. And yes,  it’s as amazing as you think it is:

Then we got right back on track on Sunday, planning our menu and doing all the shopping. This week will be full of overtime work late into the night but I promised myself I am turning off all contact with the electronic world (minus some Call of Duty Black Ops 2, natch) on December 23rd until my vacation ends. Like a total blackout, so don’t think I’m dead, mmmmkay?

I’m going to spend the holiday in front of a fire and tree with my babies that I am so thankful for. I have no interest in discussing the shootings because my fingers fail to type the words that breaks my heart into tiny pieces. But I have been sneaking into their rooms at night and collecting extra forehead kisses and sending a silent thank you out into the universe that I can do that and hurting for those that can’t.

It’s supposed to snow this week so hopefully I can avoid the hot cocoa/marshmallow/chocolate chip cookie symbiosis with snowman making and sledding.

So even though it’s Tuesday and we’ve already eaten into two of these days, here’s the menu we planned out:


B: Steak and eggs
L: leftover Moroccan pumpkin beef stew
D: burgers and green beans


B: scrambled eggs with pistachio pesto (recipe to come), bacon
L: leftover steak and raw veggies
D: Farmer’s market meatloaf, hot bacon Brussels sprout slaw


B: Scotch eggs (with sausage, not breading)
L: baked ham, leftover slaw
D: pork loin with dijon apple glaze, roasted broccoli


B: Hard-boiled (HB) eggs, bacon
L: leftover pork,  spinach salad
D: Meatballs and spaghetti squash


B: scrambled eggs, bacon, 1/2 sweet potato
L: leftover meatballs & squash
D: oven-fried Paleo fish sticks, sauteed greens and carrots


B/L: Red Robin (taking the kids to lunch and the movies)
D: homemade wings, drummies, and sweet potato fries


Brunch: Grain-Free Crepes made Savory with pulled chicken
Dinner:  Likely more of the above as we laze around and cook for Christmas Eve all day

What’s on your plate for this week?

SOURCE: Life As A Plate – Read entire story here.

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