Week End Ramblings

my daughter was thrilled to find a tiger lily on the same day she was watching the movie Peter Pan
(that’s the princess’s name in case you didn’t know)


It might be a 2 cups of coffee kind of day. Or not. Maybe a nap instead. Yeah, right, I think my kids will prohibit that.

The dark rain makes me just want to curl up with a good book.
A nice contrast once in awhile in the normally sunny summer.
I’m reading Eat the Yolks right now.

(affiliate link)

I need to finish it up because the library has some more books in that were on hold for me.

I bought some blackberry jam last weekend and made my children sun butter and jam roll ups on Trader Joe’s corn tortillas yesterday. (If you warm the tortillas in the microwave – yes we have one currently – they roll without cracking.) That’s the closest thing to PB&J that my kids have had in a looooong time (probably since my boy can even remember). Let’s just say they were obsessed. My children are kind of intense sometimes. We finished off the sun butter and jam this morning by making these muffins.

Why does Mark seem to frequently read my mind? I, too, find summer to be a refreshing and exciting time to try something new (rather than January).

After I saw this on Pinterest, I was reminded that I actually made magic hard shell one time, kind of by chance. One day, we were wanting some chocolate sauce for our ice cream and so I made my fudge but left out the almond butter and poured it over top… it hardened just like magic shell. Don’t know why I never bothered to share… probably because I didn’t want to tempt you. Oh wait, that hasn’t really stopped me before. Oh well. Anyways, this recipe is pretty much it.

I might try to use it to make these banana pops sometime…



Good morning. New day.
Served these coconut flour waffles with maple syrup on top this morning since it is our “stay home day” for the week.

OK, enough of the sugar.

I love Megan’s testimonial on the importance of choosing good food when pursuing a healthier life. I like that she calls it the huge, number one factor that it actually is, even more critical than exercise. Some people just don’t want to admit this. I too tried to ignore that fact for a long time, but like it or not, you gotta face it if you want to get healthy. (But getting stronger and faster is fun, too, so you should do both ;))

I do a lot of reading and thinking about some topics that seem very disjointed at first, and I love when they all roll together.

For example, I first started following Whatever (the gal I just referenced above) simply because she did cool photography and had a large family. Two things out of my league, but that I enjoyed checking in on… just made me happy. Because I like looking at pretty things and am nosey.

Over the years, she has inspired me to embrace my own creativity (even though our styles are different) and to dream big. I have watched as she has traveled new roads to use her colorful talents to enrich others’ lives by hosting art retreats for women.

Meanwhile, I’ve been processing ideas on simplicity and minimalism, living in the gray, ancestral health, strengths and calling. Those sound quite different from Meg’s free-spirited creative work and style, right? Not so much. Because it all comes back to stewardship. That’s our common thread. What is your story? What have you been given? How can you pour that out as an offering? Nothing is too small to be used.

By her own example, Megan has (unbeknownst to her) encouraged me to be bold(er) in sharing what I love. What is exciting for me is to see that stewardship perspective seep into all realms of her life and come full circle to an area that I am passionate about – health and wellness. (I hate that phrase “passionate about” by the way, but it is the easiest way to tell you what I mean. And her changes had nothing to do with me! I’m just an observer.)

So anyways. It is all connected. We’re all connected. Don’t limit yourself, don’t compartmentalize. Whatever you’ve got, honor it. Take care of your health so that you can live. So that you can use your talents. One enhances another. Don’t waste either. That’s all I’m trying to say. Good job and go team.

Have a good weekend.
SOURCE: practical paleo – Read entire story here.

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