The State of Modern Paleo

Apart from the weekly Paleo Rodeo, Modern Paleo has been pretty much in a coma for the past few years, as my attention has been on Philosophy in Action. That’s even more true lately, and so I’ve decided that I should let the Paleo Rodeo go by the wayside too — meaning cease its publication. (That being said… another PaleoBlogger might take it over, and if that happens, I’ll post her blog URL so that you can follow it on her blog.)

Despite going dormant, the blog archives and core principles of paleo are still likely to be of interest.

My philosophical work – advocating and explaining rational principles for real life – can be found at Philosophy in Action. I might occasionally post announcements of relevant podcasts… like this one from last Sunday:

On Sunday’s episode of Philosophy in Action Radio, I answered a question on the ethics of care for the body. The question was:

What is the moral status of actions aimed at tending to one’s body? In an egoistic ethics, the ultimate end of moral action is the growth and continuation of one’s own life. Ayn Rand discussed many of the kinds of actions required to achieve this goal, but she didn’t discuss matters of “bodily care,” such as cleaning your teeth, eating well, exercising regularly, tending to a wound, and seeking necessary medical care. These constitute a whole universe of actions necessary for the maintenance of one’s body and, hence, one’s life. Are such actions moral and virtuous? Should bodily care itself be considered a virtue? Or are these actions already subsumed under the virtues? (If so, I would love to know how to brush my teeth with integrity and pride!)

My Answer, In Brief: A person’s bodily health matters hugely to his well-being and longevity. New virtues are not required to account for this, however, as the virtues of integrity and pride do apply in spades.

Download or Listen to My Full Answer:

Tags: Ambition, Body, Character, Diet, Fitness, Health, Integrity, Mind-Body Connection, Mindsets, Pride, Rationalism, Values, Virtue Links: To comment on this question or my answer, visit its comment thread. A podcast of the full episode – where I answered questions on the major virtues, signs of repression, the ethics of care for the body, and more – is available here: Episode of 12 April 2015. You can automatically download podcasts of Philosophy in Action Radio by subscribing to Philosophy in Action’s Podcast RSS Feed: About Philosophy in Action Radio Philosophy in Action Radio focuses on the application of rational principles to the challenges of real life. It broadcasts live on most Sunday mornings and many Thursday evenings over the internet. For information on upcoming shows, visit the Episodes on Tap. For podcasts of past shows, visit the Show Archives.
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SOURCE: Modern Paleo – Read entire story here.

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