The Paleo Kitchen Book Tour in San Diego Today!

The Paleo Kitchen Book Tour in San Diego Today!

We’ve hit three cities so far on our book tour and now we are in San Diego, CA! We started our book tour in Colorado, then headed to Seattle, then drove to Portland, then hopped on a plane yesterday and went to San Diego! Portland was amazing, even with the gloomy and rainy weather. It reminds me a lot of Colorado, but even more gluten free friendly restaurants and food trucks. I was bummed I only got to be there for about 14 hours, but it was totally worth it. We did our cookbook signing for The Paleo Kitchen at the Costco in Tigard and had an amazing turn out and even sold out of all of our books! Look at these good looking humans who came to visit us.

photo1-39Since we’ve been in a new city every single day, it was nice to have a day break in San Diego. Yesterday we got into town around 3pm, I went straight to the hotel for a workout in the hotel’s gym, and then spent some time on the pool balcony in my workout clothes since I didn’t think about bringing a swim suit. Dumb. I couldn’t stay out there long since I really didn’t want ANOTHER capri pants tan line. I still haven’t fully gotten rid of my last one. I know, I know, how could I forget a swimsuit when coming to Cali? But I didn’t think about having a rooftop pool, not exactly used to that in Colorado. Hey look, workout selfie! Boob sweat!


Back to this point. Today we will be at the Costco in Mission Valley, CA from 1-3pm to sign some copies of The Paleo Kitchen! Head to 2345 Fenton PKWY, San Diego, CA 92108 and pick up your own copy! You must be a member of Costco so come in or grab a friend who is a member and come visit us!

PaleOMG_BookTour_SanDiego_BookHere is last event we will be at on this trip! We are heading to the East Coast for this last signing! But don’t worry, we are planning our next tour for July right now!

Monday June 16th 2014 – New York City – Event Location: Broadway Panhandler at 5:30-7:00pm – 65 E. 8th Street, New York, NY 10003- Cooking Demo and Signing


And if you can’t make it to any of these cities for book signings, be sure to head to your local Barnes & Noble or Costco to pick up the book or get your copy on Amazon! Can’t wait to see more pictures on instagram with the hashtag #thepaleokitchen to see what your creations look like!!


SOURCE: PaleOMG – Paleo Recipes – Read entire story here.

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