Sean Croxton on Thyroid Issues & Natural Remedies

The thyroid gland: can’t live with it, can’t live without it! At least, that’s what it seems. Could your thyroid be making you fat? And making you sick and tired if it’s not functioning optimally? Also, why are most people’s thyroids off and why is most information out there incorrect?

We are extremely fortunate to have a repeat PaleoHacks podcaster (our first?) with Sean Croxton! He is leading The Thyroid Sessions, which is a free summit with over 25 thyroid experts.

Over 25 experts

By the way, I am researching grass-fed cows for possibly my large Paleo purchase to-date. I am ordering a whole cow and going into it with a few buddies. If you have some recommendations up in the Seattle-area, please let me know.

Anyways, Sean Croxton and I will tackle:

  • Why your thyroid scores are “normal” but your symptoms are not
  • Free and easy at-home tests to evaluate your thyroid health
  • Detox therapies for reversing Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Which thyroid medications are best…and which are unsafe
  • Preconception and prenatal thyroid support
  • What to do when your thyroid is OVER-active
  • Why thyroid cancer is becoming more common, especially in women
  • Connections between gluten consumption and autoimmune thyroid disorders

Again, I highly recommend checking out Sean’s FREE Thyroid Sessions with an amazing group of speakers, including Chris Kresser, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Dr. Sara Gottfried, Dr. Dan Kalish, and over 20 more experts!

Also, we have some great thyroid posts you might want to check out:

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SOURCE: Paleo Blog – Read entire story here.

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