Salted Caramel Coconut Chips – Paleo, Gluten Free, AIP friendly

Crunchy, caramely, lightly sweet, and with a touch of salty sea salt, these bits of goodness are perfect on their own, as a paleo “cereal”, or, as I plan to use them this weekend, on a bowl of grassfed ice cream!

I got the idea for these from a package of Dang coconut chips, which comes in a “salted caramel” flavor. When they first arrived at my local health food store they were offered at a steep discount, and I bought them like they were going out of style. When the sale ended, however, I had a hard time justifying over $3 for a small bag.

Looking at the ingredients label, I saw that there was only “coconut, coconut nectar, and sea salt” listed on the package. I figured that they couldn’t be too difficult to make.

As it turns out, I was right! While it does take some time to let them slowly cook in the oven, they are a snap to make, only require three ingredients, and are “Dang” good!

Unsweetened, unsulfured coconut flakes
Raw coconut nectar
Himalayan pink sea salt

Toss the coconut flakes with just enough coconut nectar to coat. A little goes a long way so start with a drizzle and add more if need be. Grind some salt over the top (again, a little goes a long way) and mix thoroughly. Put the coconut chips in an oven preheated to 250 degrees. Crack the door of the oven to let air circulate and cook the chips, stirring every half hour, until crispy. When the chips were golden brown and close to being done, I turned the oven off and let them sit in the hot oven on for about an hour.

Once cool, bag them up and snack on!

SOURCE: Tony FED – Read entire story here.

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