Reposted from my blog, Rational Jenn.As lots of you know, I’ve been eating paleo/primal/real food for many years now, to the overall benefit of my health, and I am committed to continuing this good eating plan forever and ever.But, that doesn’t mean I eat 100{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} paleo 100{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} of the time! If you see me consuming something that is definitely not paleo, here are some reasons why that might be:1. I’m traveling.I find it difficult to eat 100{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} paleo when traveling, for various reasons. So I …

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This past weekend, I turned 30. Officially in the dirty thirties now. And I feel great. Fantastic, in fact. My awesome hubby took me on a helicopter flight for my b’day! It has been 1 year since I wrote my postabout putting on weight to restore my fertility. It has been 3 years since I lost my period due to under-eating, over-exercising, taking the birth control pill and being a

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We’ve been to two cities on our tour so far and now we’re heading to Portland! We started our book tour in Colorado, then headed to Seattle yesterday and now onto Portland today! Yesterday was a bit hard , I’m not into leaving Jackson. He totally knew something was up. Last time I left him, he had no idea. This time, Jackson stood by my suitcase and he wouldn’t eat, which NEVER happens. It was awful. And you know what he did yesterday for the first time?? …

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From the website: Children are vulnerable to advertising. They are less able than adults to fully understand that the purpose of advertising is not to inform but to persuade, and to ultimately sell a product. Studies show that children are much more likely to want to eat food that comes in branded packaging than food with no branding – even if it is the same product. A study of 3 to 5 year olds showed that over 75{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} of children preferred French fries in McDonalds branded wrapping, compared to the just over…

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I’ve been following the lectures on TED for a couple of years, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in ideas, technology and design. TED is an organisation that holds lectures by innovative thinkers, where you’ll often see people of notable prestige in the areas of science, health, and education. ; TED releases videos (almost daily) to the public, for free. These videos; usually just 15 minutes in length, are sure to get you thinking about relevant issues and interesting new solutions. Visit their website and open…

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I’m excited to share that my first article was published in Paleo Magazine this month! This post is a bit of an expanded review of my trip to Nicaragua through YOGASCAPES, which I also wrote about in my post called 10 Things I Learned About Health In Nicaragua. Unlike my blog post, this article focuses on the benefits of using your vacation time to incorporate play into your life. I always do this on my vacations, and my trip to Nicaragua was no exception. I hope to continue traveling in …

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Crunchy, caramely, lightly sweet, and with a touch of salty sea salt, these bits of goodness are perfect on their own, as a paleo “cereal”, or, as I plan to use them this weekend, on a bowl of grassfed ice cream!I got the idea for these from a package of Dang coconut chips, which comes in a “salted caramel” flavor. When they first arrived at my local health food store they were offered at a steep discount, and I bought them like they were going out of style. When …

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Michelle Fitzpatrick, author of the Happy Paleo Kids blog, has worked with special needs children and their families for over 13 years to promote development and mental health. She adopted a “Paleo Diet” to lose weight after baby number 3, and quickly saw that the benefits of eating nutrient-rich, plant-and-animal-based foods would benefit her entire family. After applying the Paleo Philosophy to her family, she felt compelled to find a way to bring the science behind how food impacts child development to the masses. Follow her blog, …

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Greetings, fellow captives of Winter 2014.If you live anywhere in the mid-Atlantic all the way down through Florida, you are all too aware of the…*ahem*…variant weather patterns we are experiencing this season. Since the start of 2014, our county has had exactly one intact week of school – by which I mean one week without cancellations due to snow, ice, extreme cold, and so on.I’d love to direct you to the pictures on the right – of travel-sized spray bottles filled with food-coloring-tinted water.”Oh!” …

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Everyone loves Chipotle, meaning the eatery and the smoked jalapeño peppers. After my last trip to the eatery I found myself thinking, “why don’t I just whip up 10x more of this meat for the same price at home?” So then I went and did just that. This is an easy recipe to make, and I provide my own chipotle adobo sauce recipe to use with it, or you could just buy that not-perfectly-clean can of chipotles in adobo if you’re willing to go…

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I have 6 girls and one boy. Most of them are teenagers. I know. Prayers accepted Because we are a family centered around our health and fitness, we have had some questions about how we walk that line between teaching our kids to eat right and exercise without them getting a complex. I hate this conversation. I don’t do political correctness well, as it is my personality to just call things as I see them. I do, however, respect the position of parents who want to protect the very fragile…

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whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.”  Ah – one of the classic sayings of childhood.  Let’s see – do you remember the ever so popular, “liar, liar, pants on fire”?  Given the opportunity I would have triple dog dared someone at the past political debates to stand up and exclaim that very phrase!  Wouldn’t that have been a moment to go down in history – sort of like Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer?  Okay, okay, so I digress a little bit.  Here’s another classic …

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How often do you hear those five little words: “I know I should, but…”? It’s a different issue for everyone, but most of us have at least one thing we should be doing, but for whatever reason, we just can’t make it happen. For example, say there’s an imaginary Paleo… The post Overcoming “I know I should, but…” appeared first on Paleo Leap | Paleo diet Recipes & Tips.

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In recent posts, we've explored the association between calorie intake and the US obesity epidemic, and the reasons why this association almost certainly represents a cause-and-effect relationship.  I also reviewed the evidence suggesting that carbohydrate and fat are equally fattening in humans, calorie for calorie. One valid objection that came up in the comments is that calorie-controlled diets in a research setting may not reflect what happens in real life.  For example, in a context where calorie intake isn't tightly controlled, diet composition can impact …

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Is getting out of bed in the morning a groggy struggle against the urge to just lie down and conk out for another hour or five? Or do you notice an energy crash midafternoon, only to find yourself unable to fall asleep when bedtime finally comes? If that sounds familiar,… The post Beating Fatigue with Circadian Rhythms appeared first on Paleo Leap | Paleo diet Recipes & Tips.

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