New Video: The Keys to Perfect Health, from the 21 Convention – Perfect Health Diet

New Video: The Keys to Perfect Health, from the 21 Convention

I spoke at The 21 Convention in 2014 on the topic, “The Keys to Perfect Health: How to Optimize Body, Mind, and Lifespan.” They’ve now released a professionally produced video. If you are a PHD fan, this is one you shouldn’t miss. It is the most comprehensive review I’ve ever done of all the factors that influence health and all the steps each of us should be taking in order to achieve a lifetime of great health.

It is a one-hour talk but most people will find it an hour well spent:

The talk mentions the Perfect Health Retreat. We’ve had great health results at the retreat, and very happy guests. Our next retreat is coming up April 30 to May 7. If you’re interested in joining us and getting an immersive experience in how to be healthy while enjoying a great vacation, send me an email:

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