My Experience So Far with CBD (and 25{f061691ba7220d88be23c216ba0701b88f7cb50120c5dfc52e143cf80de1ff51} Off Until Friday 3/20!)

My Experience So Far with CBD | Freckled Italian

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this truly strange and scary time. I am hoping to sit down and write a few things while we are home (the Bay Area is currently on a shelter-in-place order for the next few weeks), but for now I wanted to re-post this piece with FAQ about my CBD routine.

Equilibria is currently running a sitewide 10{f061691ba7220d88be23c216ba0701b88f7cb50120c5dfc52e143cf80de1ff51} off sale and you can stack my referral code on top for an additional 15{f061691ba7220d88be23c216ba0701b88f7cb50120c5dfc52e143cf80de1ff51} off: FRECKLEDITALIAN at checkout will get you 25{f061691ba7220d88be23c216ba0701b88f7cb50120c5dfc52e143cf80de1ff51} off your order, and it’s not limited to first-time shoppers.

This sale ends tomorrow, 3/20, so be sure to take advantage of it now. I am really leaning on my CBD oil right now.

The #1 question I get when I talk about CBD oil is “what does it do?”

I’ve been taking it regularly for over two months now and can report that I feel less anxious overall, but especially at night. I have been falling asleep faster and waking up more rested. I find that it quiets my mind, and I no longer find myself jumping awake, wondering if I turned the stove off or forgot to lock the door—the usual random things that used to keep me up as I was trying to fall asleep.

I also feel like I recover from workouts faster—especially with the help of the Relief Cream. I rub it onto my shoulder every night, and I have also used it on my belly/low back for period cramps and on my neck once or twice when I was getting a migraine.

The next question I usually get is “What products do you use?” or “If you had to pick just one product, which would it be?”

I started out using the Soft Gels, Daily Drops, and the Relief Cream (all available separately or in the Brilliance Box). Now I just take the Daily Drops every evening (I’m currently on my third bottle—I ordered a subscription so I don’t have to remember to reorder it, and it’s a little cheaper that way) and use the Relief Cream as needed. I’ll occasionally use the Daily Drops more than just at night if I have a lot to do and feel overwhelmed or am just feeling more anxious than usual—I feel them work right away. They don’t make you drowsy or feel weird in any way, they just calm your mind so you can chill out and focus on your day again.

If I could only pick one product, it’d be the drops. The soft gels were great but you can think of them as a supplement—you take them every day and they are slow-release, where the drops can be used more as-needed and work right away.

I really can’t say enough good things about CBD oil but also more specifically Equilibria as a brand—they have been really fun to work with and their products have earned a well-deserved spot in my daily routine. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help picking out a few things! Again, that temporary 25{f061691ba7220d88be23c216ba0701b88f7cb50120c5dfc52e143cf80de1ff51} off discount code is FRECKLEDITALIAN (after tomorrow it will go back to being 15{f061691ba7220d88be23c216ba0701b88f7cb50120c5dfc52e143cf80de1ff51} off, so don’t stress if you aren’t ready to try it out yet).

Please be gentle and kind to yourselves and others. We are all in this together (but at least six feet apart).


This post contains affiliate links (and my affiliate code!), which means that if you purchase something, I make a commission on that sale. Thank you!

SOURCE: BLOG – Freckled Italian – Read entire story here.

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