I made donuts out of Plantains…true story

I’ve been shying away from recipe posts as of late. I’m just not very good at being patient enough to measure and time everything I do and man, I’m no expert in the kitchen. This one however was a full stroke of luck. It’s delicious. Filled with Paleo friendly healthy carbs and starches and is a great way to satisfy that sweet tooth. These donuts are also a healthy option if you’re dealing with carb cravings and food aversion in the first trimester. Feel to switch up the recipe and harness your creative spirit! Add some cacao powder, top the donut with coconut butter, almond butter or chia jam instead of ganache, the sky’s the limit here.

You can see here that Plantains come in a variety of "ripenesses". Green are a great form of resistant starch. As they get more "ripe" and black, they develop there sweetness and develop a much softer texture.

You can see here that Plantains come in a variety of “ripenesses”. Green are a great form of resistant starch. As they get more “ripe” and black, they develop there sweetness and develop a much softer texture.

What are Plantains?

Plantains are a starchier, less sweet version of a banana found in tropical regions. They are high in carbohydrates and are a source of antioxidants, B-6 and fiber. All good stuff for a health pregnancy. Green plantains are a source of resistant starch which are beneficial for gut flora proliferation.

I topped my with gluten free sprinkles. Not quite 100{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} paleo but hey, I'm no perfectionist! 

I topped my with gluten free sprinkles. Not quite 100{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} paleo but hey, I’m no perfectionist!

Paleo Plantain Donuts (makes 5 mini donuts*) with a Sugar free (option)

1- 7oz (peeled) Plantain**, yellow with no black spots

2 tbs melted coconut oil

1 egg (at room temp)

1 tsp baking powder

Few drops of stevia to taste or 1 tbs coconut sugar or other sweetener of choice

1 tsp vanilla powder (you can use extract too)

Ganache Topping:

1/3 cup enjoy life chips or 1/3 cup krisda chips (for sugar free)

1 tbs coconut oil

Preheat oven to 375. Chop plantain into a few pieces and place in your blender. Blend until smooth. Add melted coconut oil, egg, baking powder and vanilla powder. Blend until smooth. Spoon into a greased mini donut pan and bake for 10 mins. Remove from oven and cool slightly before removing donuts from pan. Let cool.

Prepare the ganache by melting chips and coconut oil together stirring well. Dip the cooled donuts into the hot ganache and top with coconut, gluten free sprinkles or whatever else tickles your fancy.

* You could easily double the recipe and use a larger donut pan. I imagine these also would make great mini muffins or cupcakes.

** Green banana will likely work for this recipe too if I you can’t find plantains where you live

SOURCE: CaveGirl Plus One – Read entire story here.

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