Getting you ready: Here’s what you’ll need to be an optimally fed family

cavemomma31daymeals“How on earth do you guys keep up with everything you’ve got going on?”  ” SEVEN kids? That’s INSANE. How DO you do it all?”  We get this a lot. Especially when people see things on facebook about what we’ve got going on this week. I have even had people tell me to stop pretending my life is so damn perfect and be real. Okay, here’s the real: We are a hot mess. Having a family of nine IS  insane. There truly is never a dull moment. But we wouldn’t trade it for the world, and it is our version of perfect. We have found a way to keep a healthy, peaceful, balanced life, and I want to help you achieve the same.

I have had people tell me they could NEVER live this way (real food) because they don’t have time to work out, spend a lot of time cooking, etc. This has always been a tough thing for me to hear because I feel if I have time, anyone has time. It hit me in a recent conversation that we all have the same number of hours, but there are so many people that just don’t know HOW to get organized.  Our 31 day plan will lay out meals, grocery lists, time management, and home workouts you can do yourself or include your little ones (or not so little ones). Before we release this guide, I wanted to give you a quick list of things that will help you be successful.

For meal planning:

Crock pot


Food processor or Magic Bullet

Cast Iron pans (not absolutely necessary, but much healthier than commercially coated pans)

Sauce pans, Large pots, baking sheets, and a cutting board. Hopefully you already have most of these :)

For Planning your trips to the store:

A 3 subject notebook or a notebook app on your phone

Willingness to go to more than one store or farmer’s market


OPTIONAL: Dumbells to your comfort level.

Yoga mat (could also use a folded blanket, or a carpeted floor)

Your own body weight

5 minutes a few times per day


You will be committed to one hour twice a week cooking (you can quiz your kids on spelling words, catch you favorite shows, or even teach your kids to cook and plan so they don’t have to fight this battle later!)

Plan to get all your groceries on a weekend day if possible, then spend some time cutting, chopping, and cooking ahead. Let your family know what’s on the menu for the week.

The meals and grocery lists are already planned. Stick to them and plan to not eat out for 31 days, and you’ll save time and money! Try to get away from short-order cooking.

Use up or give away any sub-optimal food in your pantry or refrigerator. Get ready to finally get your family healthy!

See you soon! Drop me a line, I’m always open! ~CM

SOURCE: Cavemomma – Read entire story here.

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