Chocolate Coconut Almond Smoothie — Freckled Italian

Sophie started preschool a few mornings a week last month so I have been all about quick and easy breakfasts, and to me there is nothing easier than a protein shake. In the past year or so, I’ve started using protein powders more and more, but I tend to be pretty picky about the ones I like—I don’t love when they have tons of ingredients or artificial sweeteners and I always test them first by drinking them mixed with only water to see if the flavor is actually enjoyable on its own—there’s nothing worse than realizing you’re out of almond milk when you had planned to grab a quick protein drink for breakfast!

Naked Nutrition recently reached out to ask me if I would like to try some of their products and I jumped at the chance to test another protein powder—their Naked Shakes come in a variety of flavors and are sweetened with organic coconut sugar and monk fruit extract. The protein source is pea protein and it also contains MCT oil, which totally boosts the satiety factor. I ordered the chocolate flavor and got to work on a smoothie recipe that I really look forward to on my busy mornings!

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