Okay okay okay, so only one of these explicitly promotes “paleo”. There are a few general guidelines I followed when putting together this list: Paleo isn’t just about humans eating an evolutionarily appropriate diet, but also eating plants and animals that are being fed an evolutionarily appropriate diet. Grain fed ruminants, vegetarian fed chickens, and […] Evolvify recommends this paleo diet compatible body hacking program…

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It is rare that I will get a client who is eating too much food. Often, it’s the other way around. Which makes sense, given what we have been taught about weight loss. It’s simple, really:  “Eat less. Exercise more”. Hmm. OK. My job (in terms of weight loss clients) really should be obsolete then, right? If it really were as simple as eating less and exercising more, most of my clients

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Have you ever heard of the ketogenic diet? Also known as “keto”, “nutritional ketosis”, or “keto-adapted” diet? What Is The Ketogenic Diet? Basically, it’s a diet wherein you decrease your carbohydrates and let your body start using ketones from fat as fuel instead. It’s a high-fat, moderate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. And when I say low-carbohydrate, I mean in the range of about 0-15{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} of calories. For an average person , that limits carbs to about 75g max, and usually a lot less. …

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I recently have had the pleasure to be in contact with Russ Crandall from thedomesticman.com! If you haven’t checked out his site yet, it’s a must see. He has a new book coming out too called The Ancestral Table: Traditional Recipes for a Paleo Lifestyle. He agreed to give us an exclusive sneak peak into his book and is letting me feature a recipe! I found this recipe to have flavors that I love! Don’t let the spices scare you off, because I use many of them in my…

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When people find out I’m Paleo, I’m almost always faced with some sort of debate. I’ve been thrown into a lot of arguments over Paleo (I mean, a LOT of arguments). And while usually I’m thinking to myself, “Can’t you just let me eat my bun-less burger in peace?” I also start thinking back to all the Success Stories I’ve interviewed for this site. If you want proof that Paleo works (or if you need help convincing someone else) I’ll …

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Evolvify was started in part as an extension of a book I was working on synthesizing and applying evolutionary psychology to branding. For whatever reason, when I started shopping that idea around to agents and publishers, I was nudged more in the direction of “paleo applied to lifestyle” in a wider sense. Even though I hadn’t begun […] Evolvify recommends this paleo diet compatible body hacking program…

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