Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show on GroovesharkOne of Rob’s college roommates got married in Williamsburg over the weekend, so we left a few days early to spend some time in Roanoke. Our flight from Charlotte got cancelled and we ended up renting a car and driving the quick three hours up 81 so we didn’t have to wait any longer to be in Roanoke. Before leaving Charlotte, we stopped at Tenders, an awesome little chicken restaurant that my friend Shawna would take us all to when we visited her…

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In Part 1, I went into some ways you can stop being a whiner. Now, it’s time to explore why that’s important—so you don’t raise whiny children. Remember this? (No? Did I just date myself?) Well, it’s unfortunately true in most things. Not necessarily in this straight-forward of a way, but let me explain. Just as toddlers mimic what we do, they will continue to be exposed to what we value as they grow up. As much as we wish our chatter would be all …

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I had to bring in a makeup and wardrobe stylist for this high production book trailer. Dairy-Free Ice Cream is available for pre-order discount now And sign up to my  Spunky Newsletter for more news and subscriber giveaways! ♥, Kelly The post Book Trailer appeared first on The Spunky Coconut.

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I frequently encounter the argument that obesity research has failed because it hasn't stopped the global increase in obesity rates.  According to this argument, we need to re-think our approach to obesity research because the current approach just isn't working. Grant funding for obesity research keeps increasing in the US, and the prevalence of obesity also keeps increasing*.  What gives?  Maybe if we just scrapped the whole endeavor we'd be better off. Let's take a closer look at this argument and see how it holds …

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As many of you probably know if you read more responsible Paleo bloggers than me, Paleo f(x) went down last week, April 11-13, in Austin, Texas. It was the usual amazing hoopla, with friends, food, and fun. This was my fourth Paleo gathering, so I won’t retread all the ins-and-outs, but suffice to say, if you haven’t come to meet your tribe, then you’re not really living. Panelists from left: Ryan, Wolf, Smith, Max, Durant, Miller. (Thanks to Chris Ryan for photo!) Now that I’…

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About the AuthorJoshua Weissman was an overweight teenager, who, like many overweight teenagers was bullied and tormented by other kids. Unlike most, however, Joshua decided that he wasn’t going to let others dictate who he was, he would make a change. Even though he was only 15 at the time he realized that real food, rather than processed diet food, was the key to turning his life around. Getting into the kitchen, getting his hands dirty, tasting, smelling, reconnecting with his food helped him reconnect with himself. 100lbs later, Joshua is …

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Today is the official release date of The Paleo Kitchen. George and I have been creating this cookbook and waiting to share it with people for over a year now and we could not be more proud of how it came out. The book is full of over 100 brand new paleo/primal recipes with a picture for every recipe, tips and tricks to starting paleo and keeping with it, along with tear out pages to put on your fridge with helpful hints to keep your produce lasting longer. Today we …

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So it has been some time since my last blog, and I apologize for that. I was heavily involved in a program to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner which I successfully completed. Many have asked when I was going to start up again – so here it is. I must admit that this blog was one that I wrote last year that was published in Today’s Charlotte Woman magazine. I wanted to share it again this year since many were not able to read it due to fact that …

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I almost never bake, so the fact that I baked something from scratch is pretty awesome. And what’s more awesome is that these muffins are not only gluten- and grain-free, but they’re also nut-free, coconut-free and even flourless. I’m not kidding! I found a recipe for basic Paleo muffins from The Paleo Mom while I was developing a meal plan for a client, and thought they’d be a really great recipe to try out since I don’t really like baking but I…

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Dear Friends, It’s been seven years since I started this blog. I started as a young mother who needed an outlet – a community. And I found it. Then when I found my current lifestyle, it transformed into a food blogging/Paleo/CrossFit/Gluten-Free/Family hybrid blog. It’s opened doors for me – professionally and personally – and for that I am grateful. But last week, the day a monster took a score of babies from their parents, I was out of the house working a 12-hour …

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Ok, so after I deleted the 145 SPAM comments from the same IP address (really, people? You didn’t think I’d catch that?), it was down to 92 comments to choose from. In order to do it as fairly as possible, I used a random number generator to choose the winner. These are the results: Comment #6 was my “A. Mel”!! Please check your email (and SPAM folder just in case) as I need your address to give to the Verizon people to send your new DROID RAZR and …

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Hey friends, Today is a special day because our dear friends Juli and George get to finally share The Paleo Kitchen (their brand new Paleo cookbook) with the world. Okay, so yesterday was the special day, and we are awful friends for not getting this post up yesterday, but today can be special too. We’ve been excitedly waiting for this book to come out, because we know it’s going to help a lot of people discover Paleo and eat really, really well. About three months ago, just before …

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Ask any self-taught food bloggers — including Dave and I — how they learned the basics of food photography, and they’re likely to say the book Plate to Pixel by photographer Helen Dujardin. Last weekend, Dave and I took off to Atlanta, Georgia for an intensive food photography weekend with Helene and two of her colleagues. Our instructors were Mindi Shapiro (prop styling),  Tami Hardeman (food styling), and Helene. With Dave heading to grad school in September, we realized it was time for me to up my food …

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I’m in love with Portland. There I said it. This is one of the cutest cities I’ve ever been to and I’ve only been here for about 14 hours, 8 of which I was sleeping. It is a food heaven, super green, really happy town. I sound like a total hippy right now, but I don’t care. It’s amazing. I want to come back here, go boating and rent a house for a couple months. That’s seriously a new goal of mine. And it doesn’t …

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Most parents I know want their kids to live long, healthy lives. OK…correction. ALL parents I know want their kids to live long, healthy lives. I’m sure there are parents who don’t, but I don’t know any, and if I did, I would un-know them very quickly. I grew up eating Lucky Charms, Coco Puffs, Bagel Bites, Blue Bell ice cream by the half-gallon, and soda. Looking back to that epoch of my life based on what I know now, it’s hard for me to swallow the …

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