The headline of this post is exactly right. I’m allergic to the cold. The medical term is Cold Urticaria.Thanks to the brilliant minds of Diane Sanfilippo and Karen Pendegrass as well as my own thoughts, I believe Cold Urticaria is an autoimmune condition. This wikipedia article describes what I have been going through perfectly. How the hell did this happen? Why did I go from feeling like I was on top of the world on all fronts, when I first began eating Paleo on April 5, 2010, to having an …

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Is it possible that how we eat is more important than what we eat? Maybe, just maybe, pleasure is immensely important in deciding whether a food is healthy or not. Consider the Oreo cookie. Sawyer eats with joy Sawyer eats Oreo cookies daily but enjoys every moment of the eating process. While eating, Sawyer is in the moment and appreciates the art that went into creating such a delectable food. He eats them alone or with people without feeling any guilt. The pleasure is immense and he honestly doesn’t …

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