Ew. I HATE that people are talking about the “Quaratine 15” on social media like it’s Covid-19. “Getting my workout in so I don’t catch the Quarantine 15.” “Putting in the work so I don’t put on the Quarantine 15.” “Sweating it off to make sure I don’t gain the Quarantine 15.” If you are one of those people out there that have added the Quarantine 15 to your vocabulary…quit it. Stop it right now. You don’t need that bullshit in …

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You guys asked for it, so here it is!! I had a couple messages recently for freezer-friendly recipes, so I went through my favorite PaleOMG recipes to round up the best ones. But before we get into the recipes, let’s talk about the best way to defrost and reheat the food your frozen food. All you gotta do is follow two simple steps: Defrost the food from the freezer. I always think letting the food defrost on the counter is the best because it ensures that the food …

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We’ve hit three cities so far on our book tour and now we are in San Diego, CA! We started our book tour in Colorado, then headed to Seattle, then drove to Portland, then hopped on a plane yesterday and went to San Diego! Portland was amazing, even with the gloomy and rainy weather. It reminds me a lot of Colorado, but even more gluten free friendly restaurants and food trucks. I was bummed I only got to be there for about 14 hours, but it was totally worth it. …

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Whatever that means. One book signing down, four more to go!! Our book release for The Paleo Kitchen was a complete hit! We had around 120 people come to Tattered Cover in Highlands Ranch to hear us speak, pick up a book and have it signed! It was so freaking cool to have that many people show up. I was pitting out with the worry that no one would show up. But people from Colorado Springs to Fort Collins came to visit us. So fun. And we almost sold out of …

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We’ve been to two cities on our tour so far and now we’re heading to Portland! We started our book tour in Colorado, then headed to Seattle yesterday and now onto Portland today! Yesterday was a bit hard , I’m not into leaving Jackson. He totally knew something was up. Last time I left him, he had no idea. This time, Jackson stood by my suitcase and he wouldn’t eat, which NEVER happens. It was awful. And you know what he did yesterday for the first time?? …

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Today is the official release date of The Paleo Kitchen. George and I have been creating this cookbook and waiting to share it with people for over a year now and we could not be more proud of how it came out. The book is full of over 100 brand new paleo/primal recipes with a picture for every recipe, tips and tricks to starting paleo and keeping with it, along with tear out pages to put on your fridge with helpful hints to keep your produce lasting longer. Today we …

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I’m in love with Portland. There I said it. This is one of the cutest cities I’ve ever been to and I’ve only been here for about 14 hours, 8 of which I was sleeping. It is a food heaven, super green, really happy town. I sound like a total hippy right now, but I don’t care. It’s amazing. I want to come back here, go boating and rent a house for a couple months. That’s seriously a new goal of mine. And it doesn’t …

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