Cravings can spell trouble for the most committed of healthy eaters. It’s viciously hard to hold up under the all-consuming drive to eat that makes your mouth start watering just imaging the food you want. And even if you can struggle through it once, could you keep doing it forever?… The post 8 Ways to Beat a Craving appeared first on Paleo Leap | Paleo diet Recipes & Tips.

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In Part 1 of this series, we covered all the reasons why you shouldn’t panic over tiny temporary fluctuations in weight, and why it’s OK that Paleo weight loss slows down after a week or so. There are a thousand reasons why you might have gained some “scale weight” without… The post Measuring Paleo Weight Loss (Without Going Crazy) appeared first on Paleo Leap | Paleo diet Recipes & Tips.

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How often do you hear those five little words: “I know I should, but…”? It’s a different issue for everyone, but most of us have at least one thing we should be doing, but for whatever reason, we just can’t make it happen. For example, say there’s an imaginary Paleo… The post Overcoming “I know I should, but…” appeared first on Paleo Leap | Paleo diet Recipes & Tips.

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Is getting out of bed in the morning a groggy struggle against the urge to just lie down and conk out for another hour or five? Or do you notice an energy crash midafternoon, only to find yourself unable to fall asleep when bedtime finally comes? If that sounds familiar,… The post Beating Fatigue with Circadian Rhythms appeared first on Paleo Leap | Paleo diet Recipes & Tips.

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