In recent posts, we've explored the association between calorie intake and the US obesity epidemic, and the reasons why this association almost certainly represents a cause-and-effect relationship.  I also reviewed the evidence suggesting that carbohydrate and fat are equally fattening in humans, calorie for calorie. One valid objection that came up in the comments is that calorie-controlled diets in a research setting may not reflect what happens in real life.  For example, in a context where calorie intake isn't tightly controlled, diet composition can impact …

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I frequently encounter the argument that obesity research has failed because it hasn't stopped the global increase in obesity rates.  According to this argument, we need to re-think our approach to obesity research because the current approach just isn't working. Grant funding for obesity research keeps increasing in the US, and the prevalence of obesity also keeps increasing*.  What gives?  Maybe if we just scrapped the whole endeavor we'd be better off. Let's take a closer look at this argument and see how it holds …

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It is rare that I will get a client who is eating too much food. Often, it’s the other way around. Which makes sense, given what we have been taught about weight loss. It’s simple, really:  “Eat less. Exercise more”. Hmm. OK. My job (in terms of weight loss clients) really should be obsolete then, right? If it really were as simple as eating less and exercising more, most of my clients

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I recently have had the pleasure to be in contact with Russ Crandall from! If you haven’t checked out his site yet, it’s a must see. He has a new book coming out too called The Ancestral Table: Traditional Recipes for a Paleo Lifestyle. He agreed to give us an exclusive sneak peak into his book and is letting me feature a recipe! I found this recipe to have flavors that I love! Don’t let the spices scare you off, because I use many of them in my…

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