As I type this, I’m gazing out my window for the second day in a row at over 6 inches of snow that’s fallen. It’s beautiful and fun, obviously. But since I live on a steep hill, it also comes with some challenges. Yesterday, when the storm started, I made a quip on my personal Facebook page that it was time once again for the game of watching cars attempt to get up or down the street. Because every year, people just have to tempt fate. Sometimes, a …

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Image stolen with love directly from their site. We all knew it had to happen. Michelle Tam of fame, has cooked and cursed her way into our hearts and bellies, and now she can adorn your bookshelf. I hear ya: “WHAT?! Another Paleo cookbook!” Oh yes, but you’ll want this one. Besides, it has one of those cool fabric bookmarky thingies like all the big hardbacks of yore. Fancy! What’s clear from the beginning is how much of a labor of love this was …

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Below is a response I’ve sent to Mother Earth News. It really is my favorite thing to read these days, but after last issue’s love letter to homemade bread and now a poorly-written article called “Wonderful Wheat” that tried to take a hard line against the anti-gluten movement, I had to speak up. ——————————————— Dear Mother Earth News, I love Mother Earth News. I buy all the special editions and it’s …

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We are a bunch of softies. Yeah, I’m talking to you. But present company included too, as in, me. What am I talking about? Oh, just how we are far less resilient, adaptable, and mentally tough than we were just a few generations ago. This phenomenon, this softening of the human creature, is at the root of every gripe about the younger generations. Take, for example, those “Millenials” we like to harp on these days. In general, if media is to be believed, they don’t like to …

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In Part 1, I went into some ways you can stop being a whiner. Now, it’s time to explore why that’s important—so you don’t raise whiny children. Remember this? (No? Did I just date myself?) Well, it’s unfortunately true in most things. Not necessarily in this straight-forward of a way, but let me explain. Just as toddlers mimic what we do, they will continue to be exposed to what we value as they grow up. As much as we wish our chatter would be all …

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As many of you probably know if you read more responsible Paleo bloggers than me, Paleo f(x) went down last week, April 11-13, in Austin, Texas. It was the usual amazing hoopla, with friends, food, and fun. This was my fourth Paleo gathering, so I won’t retread all the ins-and-outs, but suffice to say, if you haven’t come to meet your tribe, then you’re not really living. Panelists from left: Ryan, Wolf, Smith, Max, Durant, Miller. (Thanks to Chris Ryan for photo!) Now that I’…

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