Since I was named the editor of the Food & Drink Section at Chicagoist, I haven’t had as much time to blog here. A lot my writing there isn’t going to be particularly interesting unless you live in Chicago, but I have a scattering of pieces that might appeal to a broader audience I will highlight here from time to time with commentary. 

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Early on in this blog, I did make some comments about diet and nutrition conferences I went to. I didn’t have the courage to say it outright, but I was hinting that the people at these conferences were fat. The reason I mentioned it, is because frankly I felt threatened. Here were people who ate diets like mine, diets I thought were the solution to being fat, that would help people lose weight and certainly not allow them to gain weight in the first place. And people eating this way, …

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Last year I was kicked out of physical therapy, which was my primary form of exercise at the time, because well…I got better. Before that I did Crossfit, I don’t know if that was part of me being in physical therapy though. I just had chronic neck and shoulder pain. The physical therapy, consisting primarily of gentle upper body and core exercises, was fairly effective for that. I was disappointed though that it didn’t seem to do much for my posture. 

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