Years ago, when I first heard the term “leaky gut”, I definitely imagined a belly full of holes. The term “leaky gut” definitely brings this image to mind, as silly as it is! I mean come on, your gut can’t really just start leaking like that, right? But if you have leaky gut, it’s no laughing matter. Gut health isn’t just about poop, gas, bloating, and acid reflux. It’s much more than that. With 80{f061691ba7220d88be23c216ba0701b88f7cb50120c5dfc52e143cf80de1ff51} of your immune system located in your gut and 95{f061691ba7220d88be23c216ba0701b88f7cb50120c5dfc52e143cf80de1ff51} of…

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You know you eat paleo when your trash can is full of all kinds of fruit and veggie trimmings, egg shells and coffee grounds. These are PERFECT for a compost bin. I’ve always wanted to compost, but have been in apartments and very busy jobs for the past few years. Don’t get me wrong – you can totally do this in your apartment or on your balcony, I just didn’t have the time before. It makes complete sense that paleo people should be composters too! Even if …

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I ate a bug. More specifically, I ate a cricket. Well, probably a dozen crickets. And I didn’t gag, puke, or immediately regret my decision. You might be wondering how this is possible. Well, when crickets are mashed up with dates, chocolate, cayenne pepper, and other tasty ingredients, you don’t even realize that you’re eating an insect. That’s the beauty of the Chapul Bar. You can eat crickets all day and actually enjoy it. Weird, right? Are crickets the next big #Paleo craze?Click To Tweet – …

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As a single gal, I only have to worry about cooking for myself. It had been too long since I had made kabobs and I was just really craving some grilled pineapple. I was at Fresh & Easy (a Southern California grocery store) and I found the gluten-free aisle. I was hoping  there would be some sort of magical marinade that would fit in to my paleo regime. I was in luck. I discovered this marinade / dressing that is pretty close! I just needed to use a little to …

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I’ve written before about the dangers of blindly following an overly restrictive diet. While many people benefit from adhering to strict Paleo (at least for a short period of time), the truth is that most people out there will do far better on a less restrictive, flexible approach that is tailored to their individual needs. Following an overly restrictive diet isn’t only difficult, but it’s often an unsuccessful approach to improving one’s health. What’s worse – you end up negatively affecting your overall quality of…

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My mom made a delicious cabbage dish last night. Adapted from a favorite in our household, Martha Stewart. If you like cabbage and are looking for a new way to make it, give this one a try! Ingredients: 1 Head of green cabbage Olive oil Sea Salt Pepper Caraway / Fennel Seeds Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Brush a rimmed baking sheet with 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil. Place 1 medium head green cabbage, cut into 1-inch-thick rounds, in a single layer on sheet and brush with 2 tablespoons oil. Season with coarse …

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I’m excited to share that my first article was published in Paleo Magazine this month! This post is a bit of an expanded review of my trip to Nicaragua through YOGASCAPES, which I also wrote about in my post called 10 Things I Learned About Health In Nicaragua. Unlike my blog post, this article focuses on the benefits of using your vacation time to incorporate play into your life. I always do this on my vacations, and my trip to Nicaragua was no exception. I hope to continue traveling in …

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I love writing about ancestral health and nutrition topics, but what I love even more is helping people solve their chronic health problems so that they can live a better, healthier, and more fulfilling life. One of the major health issues that brings people to an ancestral lifestyle is something called leaky gut. Perhaps you’ve heard of this before, or maybe you’re new to the term. Maybe you’ve even been diagnosed with it recently or in the past. It’s becoming more and more common these days. Either way, having …

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I almost never bake, so the fact that I baked something from scratch is pretty awesome. And what’s more awesome is that these muffins are not only gluten- and grain-free, but they’re also nut-free, coconut-free and even flourless. I’m not kidding! I found a recipe for basic Paleo muffins from The Paleo Mom while I was developing a meal plan for a client, and thought they’d be a really great recipe to try out since I don’t really like baking but I…

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