Tonight my husband walks into the kitchen and he says, “They’re advising people to stock up on food so they don’t have to go to the grocery store.” I said, “We do a lot to fight off things that are going around.” But it got me thinking: all the vitamin C, vitamin D, probiotics, bone broth, the highest nutrient dense diet, whatever vitamins and food you do to keep your immune system strong, it’s really not enough to prevent getting sick, in my…

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My first cookbook, May 2009, out of print My passion has always been my business: Healing my family through diet and nutrition, and serving others who have similar needs. When I started my food blog in 2008 there wasn’t anything we could buy in the store. I created one of the first websites and cookbooks ever to bake with coconut flour and almond flour. I created one of the first websites and cookbooks ever to teach people how to make almond and cashew milk, and cashew and coconut yogurt and ice…

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After a 10-year struggle with endometriosis, I finally gave up eating dairy in 2005. My naturopathic doctor explained to me that even organic dairy (without added hormones) came from the milk of an animal, and the natural hormones in the milk were encouraging my misplaced endometrial cells. I had already been diagnosed with celiac disease, and I really didn’t want to stop eating dairy too. But I was desperate, so I went ahead with it. And it worked!!! I’ve been endo-free for 9 years now, and got pregnant with…

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DAIRY-FREE coffee creamer. Oh heck yes. When I have iced coffee I always use fair trade decaf coffee, with some almond milk in it, but then this recipe happened by accident, and I’m madly in love with it. I mean, seriously. It even looks like dairy creamer when you pour it in. All marble-like. Then you stick in that spoon, and swirl it around, and you have caramel colored iced coffee. It’s insane. I don’t even think it needs added sweetener. The creamer is sweet…

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I’ve been eating crepes for as long as I can remember. My mom was a flight attendant when I was little. When she was home all I wanted to do was spend time with her. And aside from taking my younger brother and I to the pool, what we mostly did together was eat. We lived in Maryland, but my mom is from the south, and she loves biscuits, grits, and pie. My brother and I became fans as well. I’m not sure how my mom got into…

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I had to bring in a makeup and wardrobe stylist for this high production book trailer. Dairy-Free Ice Cream is available for pre-order discount now And sign up to my  Spunky Newsletter for more news and subscriber giveaways! ♥, Kelly The post Book Trailer appeared first on The Spunky Coconut.

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