This relationship of ours just isn’t working for me anymore.   I’m sorry.  It’s not you, it’s me.  I’ve changed.  I am not the same person I used to be when we first meet as childhood sweethearts.  I have done some growing, and I am seeing things much clearer now.  I realize that I want something different from you, but the damage has already been done for us. We just have too much history together to ever get on the right track.  I think we need to just go our …

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Digestion.  Really?  Why do a blog about digestion?  Well…Did you know that a large portion of your immune system lies in your digestive tract?  It has been said around 70{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} or more!  If things are going wrong in your digestive tract then it is extremely likely that you are having issues that are manifesting themselves in other ways throughout your body.  Got to keep the gut happy! So a few things about digestion.  If you think digestion starts in your mouth – think again.  It actually starts in the …

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I have never seen the Seven Wonders of the World, and as I sit here now and think about it – there is a good chance I never will.  But I have my own 7 wonders.  The Seven Wonders of My World! They aren’t things to do, or even places to visit.  Instead they are things that baffle me.  Curious if any of them will resonate with you!  In the case of #7 – I am hoping to shed some light on one of the biggest wonders out there. So here …

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Last week I took a road trip with my son from North Carolina to my home state of New Jersey. It was my son’s spring break, and I figured it was a great time to visit my family and give us all an opportunity to spend some time together. My father is currently going through a health hurdle, and I wanted my son and me to be there to lend some support. While I was there I wrote the following that was shared with a Facebook group that I …

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“I can see clearly now the ‘grain’ is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) Sun-shiny day.” I frequently get asked why I went grain free (and subsequently Paleo) from people, so I thought I would use this blog to give you some insight. There are many reasons why I decided to jump into this lifestyle and not look back and some are explained here. So it has been …

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whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.”  Ah – one of the classic sayings of childhood.  Let’s see – do you remember the ever so popular, “liar, liar, pants on fire”?  Given the opportunity I would have triple dog dared someone at the past political debates to stand up and exclaim that very phrase!  Wouldn’t that have been a moment to go down in history – sort of like Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer?  Okay, okay, so I digress a little bit.  Here’s another classic …

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So it has been some time since my last blog, and I apologize for that. I was heavily involved in a program to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner which I successfully completed. Many have asked when I was going to start up again – so here it is. I must admit that this blog was one that I wrote last year that was published in Today’s Charlotte Woman magazine. I wanted to share it again this year since many were not able to read it due to fact that …

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