Do you suffer from headaches or migraines? Or is it low blood pressure? Maybe a runny nose? All of these symptoms could be resultant of a histamine intolerance. This vastly overlooked condition can derail many, who would otherwise greatly benefit from a Paleo Diet. But what exactly is histamine and what does it mean to be intolerant to it? Histamine is a biogenic amine that occurs (in differing amounts) in many foods.1 In a person without an intolerance, exogenous histamine obtained via food can be rapidly detoxified by amine oxidases…

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Dear Paleo Diet Team, In the 1997 work entitled “Food and Low Incidence of Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) in Iceland” (L. Thorsdottir and O. Reykdal) have suggested that the incidence of IDDM is lower in Iceland than in other human genetic related nations of Scandinavia. Since milk proteins alleles frequencies in the Nordic cattle breeds varies and preliminary (at that time) results indicated that Beta Casein A1 was particularly low in Iceland milk, they have speculated that IDDM was caused by Beta Casein A1 and its bioactive peptide BCM…

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Previously I discussed how the Paleo Diet could be beneficial for couples with infertility problems. Let’s not forget infertility is a two sided coin involving health issues which may affect sexual activity and reproduction in both males and females. In this blog I will focus upon a number of recent scientific studies which confirm that male reproductive health (including sperm quality, quantity and erectile function) are closely associated with diet and overall health. Infertility affects 10-15{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} of reproductive aged couples in the U.S.1, 2 as well as 60-80 million couples worldwide…

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The health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly the DHA and EPA varieties, are well documented and becoming well known.1 An estimated 17 percent of US adults consume fish oil supplements and since 2007, US fish oil sales have surged from $425 million to over $1 billion.2,3 While these figures are encouraging, more attention should be placed on omega-3 quality. Because of their unique molecular structures, polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3, are prone to oxidation.4 Heat, light, and oxygen can quickly degrade them, giving rise to harmful free radicals. Fish oil products…

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