As most of you are aware, we have seven children. There are very rare moments when all seven agree on one thing, especially when it comes to food. So we have embarked on a journey to find at least 10 meals everyone loves to put into the dinner rotation every week. Yeah, I know. But this one actually passed the test. PHEW! It is a quicker, easier, mom-friendly version of Civilized Caveman’s B.O.A.R.S. Chicken. I first tried this recipe about a year ago, and instantly …

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“How on earth do you guys keep up with everything you’ve got going on?”  ” SEVEN kids? That’s INSANE. How DO you do it all?”  We get this a lot. Especially when people see things on facebook about what we’ve got going on this week. I have even had people tell me to stop pretending my life is so damn perfect and be real. Okay, here’s the real: We are a hot mess. Having a family of nine IS  insane. There truly is …

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I am the mother (and mother figure) to six beautiful, talented, hysterically funny, amazing girls, age 7-17.  They make me laugh, cry, and want to throw things across a room. I adore these beings more than the air I breathe. But I noticed something lately. I have been overhearing little comments about “thigh gaps” “abs” and seeing their friends’ social media complaints; “why did you post that?? I look so dumb there! My eyes are different sizes,  I have a giant pimple! My hair looks ratchet! (Which I …

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I have 6 girls and one boy. Most of them are teenagers. I know. Prayers accepted Because we are a family centered around our health and fitness, we have had some questions about how we walk that line between teaching our kids to eat right and exercise without them getting a complex. I hate this conversation. I don’t do political correctness well, as it is my personality to just call things as I see them. I do, however, respect the position of parents who want to protect the very fragile…

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As I was standing next to my doctor (my boss) smiling as he spoke to our patient, a newly diagnosed diabetic, about changing her lifestyle to eliminate soda, wheat, sugar, and eventually all grains, I found myself pretty proud of how far he’d come since I started there 2 years ago. Our patients are being taught real food healing and they are getting better. It seems so simple. Just give up a couple things, replace them with better things, and you’ll get better. Then I noticed she was glazing …

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We are so excited!! I have been waiting since the first year to be able to attend, and it looked like this year was going to be another “well, maybe next year…” while I finish nursing school. I had sent my submission to present at the end of last year thinking it was a long shot, and figuring maybe after I graduated and had more time, I’d put together something really special for the next one. Last week while searching my email for a study guide, I …

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