This week was both stressful and busy, so about half way through the week, I started telling myself that I’d make some pancakes as a treat on Saturday morning. Pancakes aren’t an everyday food here in our house, I might only make them a few times a year actually. But this week, I was really craving them and knew I had to have them. By Friday, I had pancake fever: I needed pancakes. And I had also been working intensely on the launch of our new organic, grain-…

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Hey friends, Today is a special day because our dear friends Juli and George get to finally share The Paleo Kitchen (their brand new Paleo cookbook) with the world. Okay, so yesterday was the special day, and we are awful friends for not getting this post up yesterday, but today can be special too. We’ve been excitedly waiting for this book to come out, because we know it’s going to help a lot of people discover Paleo and eat really, really well. About three months ago, just before …

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