Selected Passages from “The Abolition of Work” by Bob Black (bold added). “No one should ever work. Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost any evil you’d care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have […] Evolvify recommends this paleo diet compatible body hacking program…

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Richard Manning, author of Against the Grain (2004), discusses the ‘Green Revolution’ and the end of cheap oil. It’s only about 5 minutes, and well worth the time. A few important quotes: “agriculture, because it’s catastrophic, must constantly have new land. it also continuously needs new land because it creates excess population… for 10,000 years, […] Evolvify recommends this paleo diet compatible body hacking program…

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A while ago, I stumbled across an article that made me think twice about the evolution of human stature in terms of both natural and sexual selection. It wasn’t particularly well argued, but it did get me to think. One of the curiosities that popped into my head was the case of the African pygmies. […] Evolvify recommends this paleo diet compatible body hacking program…

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A Native American maple sugar camp, 1853. Image courtesy of the Library of Congress. Hi everyone, Andrew here with another food history post. I’m originally from Upstate New York, where maple syrup is kind of a big deal. My family has always had a special fondness for the stuff. The “pancake syrup” made of corn syrup was completely unknown in my house. We only used the real stuff, but sparingly (it’s so sweet!). Maple sugar candy was a favorite treat—but again—only in small amounts. A single 1/3 ounce leaf-shaped candy …

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Okay okay okay, so only one of these explicitly promotes “paleo”. There are a few general guidelines I followed when putting together this list: Paleo isn’t just about humans eating an evolutionarily appropriate diet, but also eating plants and animals that are being fed an evolutionarily appropriate diet. Grain fed ruminants, vegetarian fed chickens, and […] Evolvify recommends this paleo diet compatible body hacking program…

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Evolvify was started in part as an extension of a book I was working on synthesizing and applying evolutionary psychology to branding. For whatever reason, when I started shopping that idea around to agents and publishers, I was nudged more in the direction of “paleo applied to lifestyle” in a wider sense. Even though I hadn’t begun […] Evolvify recommends this paleo diet compatible body hacking program…

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