As I write this, we’ve made it through two full weeks of the Whole 30/21 DSD. I finally turned a corner this week and felt pretty great most days. My moods are more even (read: there were less episodes of me telling Mike I hated his ass face), I’m sleeping great, and don’t get that late afternoon face-meets-wall thing around 2 pm like I used to. I have tons of energy and have been feeling great through my WODs, even the heavy breathers which I usually suck …

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As I write this, we’ve made it through two full weeks of the Whole 30/21 DSD. I finally turned a corner this week and felt pretty great most days. My moods are more even (read: there were less episodes of me telling Mike I hated his ass face), I’m sleeping great, and don’t get that late afternoon face-meets-wall thing around 2 pm like I used to. I have tons of energy and have been feeling great through my WODs, even the heavy breathers which I usually suck …

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You see that yummy ad right up there? Yeah, cookies are off limits right now but if you weren’t crazypants like we are and did a no-sugar through the holiday thing, you can go check them all out. But don’t tell me how awesome they are, because I’ll cutchoo. The only sugar we’re allowed to have (and only because we CrossFit) is one serving of a green apple and one serving of an approved starch (sweet potato, butternut squash, pumpkin) per day. Which basically means…

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Okay, so I’m a little behind on, well.. everything. Ever have one of those weeks where everything kind of just happened at once? I had two major deadlines last week – one for my publishing career and one for my writing gig – and then my gym (which I also work for) was hosting a major two-day competition which literally kept me out of the house and going nonstop for two full days. I ended that week out with friends,  celebrating with these pretty ladies (and sundry other …

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Dear Friends, It’s been seven years since I started this blog. I started as a young mother who needed an outlet – a community. And I found it. Then when I found my current lifestyle, it transformed into a food blogging/Paleo/CrossFit/Gluten-Free/Family hybrid blog. It’s opened doors for me – professionally and personally – and for that I am grateful. But last week, the day a monster took a score of babies from their parents, I was out of the house working a 12-hour …

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Ok, so after I deleted the 145 SPAM comments from the same IP address (really, people? You didn’t think I’d catch that?), it was down to 92 comments to choose from. In order to do it as fairly as possible, I used a random number generator to choose the winner. These are the results: Comment #6 was my “A. Mel”!! Please check your email (and SPAM folder just in case) as I need your address to give to the Verizon people to send your new DROID RAZR and …

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