a bunch of old meal pics

I was going through some of my old pictures today and I found some that I took before I started my blog. I don’t intend to really write any of them up as individual posts, but I thought people might be interested in seeing them to get ideas. If you want to see them in a bigger size just click on the picture.

Steak, mustardy mushrooms, salad with almonds and I think tahini dressing.

Blended salad soup. It was, um, an experiment. An experiment gone horribly awry.

Shopping haul.

Fried eggs, blackberries and strawberries with mint, sauerkraut, cucumbers with a drizzle of olive oil.

Ribeye steak, raw fennel salad, roasted green beans and potatoes.

Salmon on a bed of collards cooked with onions and cranberries, garnished with grated carrots and pea shoots. I remember trying to make this picture look fancy but I don’t remember why!

Tuna salad and pea shoots wrapped in nori seaweed and a salad with walnuts and tahini dressing.

Pork tenderloin with cinnamon applesauce, sauteed red cabbage, parsley soup. I remember my applesauce recipe for this was awesome (maybe I’ll dig it out and post it), but the parsley soup was kind of gross.

Scrambled eggs topped with bacon and a side salad topped with Trader Joe’s balsamic frozen veggie mix.

Fried egg with parsley on top of braised swiss chard.

Fried egg on top of sauteed mixed veggies, walnuts and a pear.

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