The Final Post on Tony Fed

Me (left) with Justin Quinn (center) and Joe Rakosi (right).

Hey all, Tony Fed here!

As you may have noticed, there’s not a lot of action on this site lately, but it’s for a good reason.

This past January I started working full-time with Natural Force as their VP of Marketing.

My position required going ALL IN so I not only quit my “day job” as Director of Fitness and Aquatics for the Deerwood Country Club in Jacksonville FL, but I also “passed the mic” with the Paleo Magazine Radio podcast (now hosted by the beautiful and brawny Ashleigh VanHouten).

This was a BIG leap for me as I’ve always had multiple “irons in the fire” to fuel my personal creative and financial goals, but I felt confident that joining a values-first company like Natural Force was the right move.

Joe and Justin founded Natural Force as a way to create change in the conventional sport supplement paradigm, and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to join them as their company’s growth is just starting to take off.

From our white board at the old Natural Force HQ in Elkton MD.

I couldn’t be more excited to be joining this vision as it is in perfect alignment with my own perspective on food, movement, and mindset and I will be working tirelessly to help make that vision a reality.

Changing the world isn’t easy though, so I’m going to need some help along the way. My hope is that you will join me as the tribe is always greater than the sum of each individual.

I’ll still be working with Paleo Magazing here and there and I’ll still be going to all the great Paleo events like Paleo f(x) and AHS, so there will be plenty of opportunities for us to talk, sweat, connect, and break bread (or should I say bacon) both in person and online.

This blog is what started it all though, and even though I’m going to step away from it, I’ll be leaving everything live as long as people find it useful.

With well over a million views since I started it back in 2010, I’d have to say that it was absolutely a success and well worth the time and energy I put into it.

My personal Instagram account (@tonyfedfitness) will be my primary method for sharing health, fitness, food, and exercise tips going forward, so you can stay in touch with my journey by following me there.

Thanks again for all your support and encouragement over the years, I couldn’t have done it without you!

-Tony Fed

SOURCE: Tony Fed – Read entire story here.

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