Invest in your health! Join us at Paleo f(x) this year!

We are so excited!! I have been waiting since the first year to be able to attend, and it looked like this year was going to be another “well, maybe next year…” while I finish nursing school. I had sent my submission to present at the end of last year thinking it was a long shot, and figuring maybe after I graduated and had more time, I’d put together something really special for the next one.

Last week while searching my email for a study guide, I saw the email that stopped me in my tracks. My submission had been accepted, and I would be presenting. HOLY GUACAMOLE. I began searching myself for 1000 reasons I just couldn’t. I got scared. I’m not good enough to share a stage with these experts!!

But wait, I submitted because I have a message to share. I can help people learn to plan and feed their big, busy families the easy way – the way it’s taken me 3 years to figure out. Now my only fear is being able to focus on my presentation while totally fan-girling out over the awesomeness Mastermind speakers and friends I’ve never met in person.

As I am looking through the list of speakers, I am thinking “oh wow. EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE HERE.  If you’ve ever wanted to learn everything there is to know about nutrition, exercise, sleep, overall health…without having to spend months in the library, from the absolute EXPERTS in the field, this is your 3 day opportunity. I’ve heard some pretty phenomenal things coming out of this event every year and I for one am completely stoked to be able to be a part of it.

So?  Get on it!! Get to the Paleo f(x) webpage, get your tickets now before they sell out (because they will). Then, come find us while you’re there! I would LOVE to meet you and hear all about YOUR journey!

Looking forward to it! ~ CM

SOURCE: Cavemomma – Read entire story here.

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