Recipe: Plantain Protein Muffins


I almost never bake, so the fact that I baked something from scratch is pretty awesome. And what’s more awesome is that these muffins are not only gluten- and grain-free, but they’re also nut-free, coconut-free and even flourless. I’m not kidding!

I found a recipe for basic Paleo muffins from The Paleo Mom while I was developing a meal plan for a client, and thought they’d be a really great recipe to try out since I don’t really like baking but I do like having healthy snacks to grab if I’m running to my office and don’t have time to eat beforehand.

I decided that if these were going to be a more balanced snack with a good mix of carbs, protein, and fat, I’d need to add some protein to them. So I used one of my favorite protein powders, Designs for Health Whey Cool, and added it to the recipe to boost the protein content. You can use any protein powder you like, and if you don’t eat dairy, I’d recommend trying out the new beef protein powder by Designs for Health called PurePaleo.

Here’s a few shots from the creative process:


This is a great nonstick spray for baking. Don’t use PAM!


I used my Blendtec to blend the batter and incorporate the blueberries at the end.


The batter made enough to fit in a normal size muffin tin.


They came out looking lovely!


Looking good!


I bet you could get your kids to eat these with no trouble!

I ate a bunch of these over the past few days because they’re so darn tasty and also a decent meal replacement in a pinch. They would make a great breakfast or pre-workout snack, and each one has about 150 calories, 7-8 grams of protein., and 15 grams of carbs. A perfect blend of macronutrients if you ask me!

I hope you enjoy, and a big thanks to The Paleo Mom for the inspiration!

Plantain Protein Muffins

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes

Number of servings: 12

Per Serving
134 calories

8 g

15 g

3 g


Plantain Protein Muffins


  • 2 green plantains
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 Tbsp Grade B maple syrup
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • 3 scoops of your favorite protein powder


  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Grease a 12-cup muffin pan with coconut oil spray.
  2. Peel your plantains and place in a high powered blender along with the eggs, coconut oil, vanilla, maple syrup, and salt.
  3. Blend until the batter is smooth and well-incorporated. Add the baking soda, protein powder and cinnamon and blend for another 20-30 seconds or so. Add blueberries at the end, and just pulse long enough to mix the berries in well. Try not to puree them too.
  4. Carefully pour the batter into the muffin pan, making each muffin as evenly full as possible. Bake for 30 minutes. Allow to cool for at least 10 minutes after removing from the oven.
  5. Enjoy fresh and hot, or freeze them to eat later.

SOURCE: Ancestralize Me – Read entire story here.

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