3 Phase Paleo Helps You Ease Into Paleo (and It’s On Sale)

3 phase paleoWhether it’s changing your diet, increasing your weekly exercise, starting a meditation practice, giving up cigarettes, or any other big life change, a big switch all at once can backfire in a big way. When you place such stringent rules on yourself (and your family or spouse), you can start to feel deprived, stressed out (because all big life changes are naturally stressful), and even angry.

In order to create lasting change, it may be better to make gradual shifts in your routines, instead. When it comes to eating Paleo, it’s tempting to just throw all your old food away and start all over with a fully stocked Paleo pantry and fridge. And that may work for some people, but if it doesn’t resonate with you or your family–or it seems downright scary to do that–there are steps you can take to make it easier.

ThePaleoParents.com created a manual called 3 Phase Paleo to help ease you into Paleo, taking you through different phases so it’s not overwhelming at all. The good news is that that ebook is on sale until tomorrow, June 10th, for 35{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} off when you use the coupon code “PParents35″. Check 3 Phase Paleo out here.

The 3 Phases of Going Paleo

In their book, they lay out 3 gradual phases to take you all the way to Paleo land.

The Swap Phase

In the SWAP phase, the Paleo Parents show you how to move away from the most problematic foods in a typical diet and change to foods and products that are better for you without significantly depriving you of those “comforts” that you’re used to – setting you up for long-term success.

With award-winning, delicious, easy recipes as well as our FOOD SWAP GUIDE and PRINTABLE GROCERY SHOPPING LISTS and THE GOING OUT GUIDE you’ll be set up for long-term success!

The Remove Phase

Next, in the REMOVE phase, they’ll teach you how to move away from all those typical food paradigms and eliminate unhealthy grains, sugars, legumes and processed oils from your diet permanently. It might seem overwhelming as you read the labels on all the foods in your pantry, but their detailed guide on HOW TO STOCK A PALEO PANTRY will help you learn their family-friendly short-cuts that have made this a sustainable life-long plan!

The Heal Phase

Finally, in the HEAL phase, they add in the most nutrient-dense and healing foods. Their 75+ recipes are tagged by phases, so you can focus on PHASE 3 RECIPES that will help you easily identify the best foods to include in your family’s meal plans. But HEAL is more than just food: their FAMILY FUN GUIDE and other recommendations will help you focus on getting your body’s hormones regulated so that you feel your absolute best.

The 3 Phase Paleo ebook is ON SALE through June 10th for 35{4dd43735419885e2296c717ac798d5bb3483a708b4c1340b99a8b965668bd4df} off! Instead of $22.95, the ebook is now only $14.92 when you use the coupon code “PPARENTS35″

So if you’re having trouble making the change to Paleo, even with our meal plans at PaleoPlan, this might be your answer. Get it quick before the sale ends tomorrow, though!

CLICK HERE to check out 3 Phase Paleo

The post 3 Phase Paleo Helps You Ease Into Paleo (and It’s On Sale) appeared first on Paleo Plan.

SOURCE: Paleo Plan – Read entire story here.

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